Friday, May 9, 2014


So I feel the need to share how I feel about photography and this advanced photo class. Until recently I haven't really appreciated photo that much but I think after learning from my mistakes and listening to what everyone else was learning it really grew on me. I have realized how to express yourself with an image. The key in inspiration and passion I think. You don't really have to have inspiration and passion for photography though; as long as you have some strong feeling about something, the lens tends to show it to you in the strangest and most unexpected way. I think the reason I started taking good pictures is because I have finally learned so much and I found inspiration in my life to do something good. Maybe it doesn't just take skill like I thought it did because I love Samwuel (the camera) but what I love the most is that in pictures I can remember how I felt in that moment and make it show it with editing it. I am so happy I can finally see the awesomeness in photography that Mrs.Underwood has been trying to show us for so long. I really love to find one thing that inspires me and take a million pictures of it and find the one that shows exactly what I wanted it to. Sometimes I feel like the lens can't see what I see but after so many pictures it really does find it. It's amazing. 


So this picture isn't as super moving to me as the one with the hand but the reason why I chose to take a million of this image is because it was all by itself and obviously someone put some serious work into it and honestly my first thought when I saw it is that I wanted to kick it down but then once I got close I loved the loneliness. 


I love this image so much. Rosie is so beautiful and you can tell in her face that she is just loving the peace at the moment and soaking up the sun. So beautiful. Also I really love the perspective because you don't really see it all the time and so that makes it super awesome.


So I took like a million of these pictures and for some reason I fell in love with this one. I just really like the way his hand is trying so hard to keep like eight rocks standing at one point and i don't know there is some kind of feeling in it that didn't happen with the other photos. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I liked this image because of the dog shaking all of the water off of him and the other dogs having their cute little moment.


I really like this image because he has like a human feel to him. It was hard to get a good one because obviously puppies don't stay still long. 


I took this picture at the beach obviously and was experimenting with taking action photos. I just kept calling him over to see what he would do and this is what he did and I love it. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Fake Beach

This was really funny because it baffles me that the city of 'Oceanside' was making a man made beach. I didn't know if I was going to like this image because just that fact frustrated me but it came out really cool and kind of contradicts itself in a good way I suppose

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Alright, so this image confuses me. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't. I think it's cause I really love the scene but the hill in front of it did a lot for me in person but I'm not sure if it's gnarly in the image. Forgettable. 


So this image doesn't WOW me as much as it did when I took them. One of my friends said it was worthy though, so I decided that I may be being too hard on it because I got use to it already. I liked this image a lot because of the shadows I think. I always get frustrated when shadows aren't the way I like them, but these I liked. Maybe this image doesn't really satisfy me because of the angle. I don't know though. I took a bunch and I decided this was the best. 


I took this image on a day where a lot of people were around the pier. The day before this I went to a festival at the pier and there were street performers and everything and I was upset I didn't have this camera. I was also nervous to take images of random people because I was in a place that I wasn't familiar with and I didn't know what their reaction would be. These men looked harmless though and I really liked the guy's tye dye shirt. They didn't seem to know eachother so that also made me curious. 


As I was leaving the pier I saw this sign, and there wasn't any like it back home so I thought it was cool , well gnarly because I was in Cali. So I wondered how I could make it an eye catching image and as I played with prospective, the palm trees and everything made this image the obvious one to choose. The sky was going a really cool...gnarly thing that was like it was just really cloudy but the sun was coming back. 


So this point of the pier really caught my eye because since I live in Gloucester, on the coast, with tons of beaches and a boulevard around me, taking pictures of the ocean gets kind of repetitive and hard to make interesting. So I appreciated that the scenes going on around the ocean are just as entertaining, and of course the leading lines wouldn't be ignored. Now that I look at it though, it would be a cool image with a bunch of people walking on it too, it would speak different though. 


This scene caught my eye as soon as I saw the bike, but the hard thing was to find where I liked the angles and stuff. I was crossing the road when I fist saw it and i knew i wanted to get closer and then when i captured this image it was obvious that it was the best angle. the palm trees in the background make it more interesting but not overwhelming which i really appreciated. the guy was actually walking toward his bike to get on it i assume and i was lucky to get this image. 

Beach Go-ers

I really liked this point of view. I was on a pier type of thing and people were swimming below me and I could see really far both ways. People were under umbrellas and they looked like it was just a normal beach day for them but it was awesome and different to me that they were swimming in April. I really appreciated how the line of palm trees make leading lines for me. I always like when nature does it. It's like it was meant to be photographed.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


This scene really effected me because the waves and the palm trees got this beautiful reaction to the strong winds that day that made it not your typical beachy picture. I kept wondering if all the other non-tourists there lost appreciation for it; I hope I never do. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


So this picture is awesome because I have finally learned the art of creeping on people legally with the inner artist of me. 


Like the lion, the bench interested me because of the shape it is in. I thought about what has been on that bench, positive and negative. Maybe a homeless soul sleeps at it at night, but who is to say that by day it wasn't a spot of magic for a new couple.


This sign was really cool, it talked about a president who once lived on the land there and that thats why they made it as beautiful as they could and it should have been massachusetts capital. The spot to me did feel like it should be the capital. It took my breathe and words away, and while I was there, I felt not inspired but now that I look at the pictures it's obvious that I was feeling something


The family in this caption was arguing about leaving, of course the kids just wanted to stay but mom probably had a growing list of things she had to do that day. Just imagine being naive enough to not realize that, and to be the boy in the plaid that just wanted to be with his best friend and play and 'ride the lion'


I really like this photo because the lion is beaten down from obviously being through the weather that beats on new england. The bench in the back round looks as if it's been there through it all right with him. Also, it reminds me of the wizard of oz and I love that movie. So the hill and the bench is what made me take it, and it helped make it not just a normal picture of a stupid lion statue.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Park

I really like this image because the colors and the leading lines and the bricks make geometric shapes and they lead to the tree and im proud of this one. WOOH!

Monday, April 14, 2014


I took this photo because I liked the road acting as a leading line. The sun was coming onto the road from in between the trees and it was really inspiring.

Friday, April 11, 2014

It's a stick

I chose to take this image because the stick was left behind in the water from a dog that got bored with it. I thought the way that the waves kept moving it was really interesting. 

That house

This photo was taken first because I loved the reflection. As I was walking through the beach and the back shore though, I kept noticing how nature created copies of things it made. For example, all the sand is identical to eachother, all seagulls are identical and it evens creates a reflection of what nature didn't make to make it uniform on the water. So I got all deep and decided to change the reflection and perhaps show the truth

Monday, March 24, 2014

Bubble Jet Set 2000

Mommy Underwood (our photo teacher) has assigned us a 3D photo project of our choice. I'm doing a self portrait kind of. So the idea is that I have a plain white T shirt thats going to be cut up into pieces, and I have an old sweater that doesn't fit me at all. So what I'm going to do is have pictures of things that reflect my life and that are important to me. After deciding what represents what, I will transfer the images onto the ripped up T shirt and then sew the fabric with the images on them to certain parts of my shirt. For example, I will take a picture of my tattoo (Which is on my back) and print it on to my T-shirt and then sew it onto my T shirt, where my tattoo really is. Another thing is I will put an image of my family onto my heart. So the result will be a sweater with a whole punch of patches of my life!

What I need:
  • Bubble Jet Set 2000
  • T shirt
  • Sweater
  • Needle and thread
  • Freezer paper

Friday, March 7, 2014



1.) The first step is to make sure your fabric is cleaned and dry.
Transfer Photographs to Fabric Step 1.jpg
2.) Have Fabric Transfer paper. If you are printing on a dark fabric you need to buy the transfer to dark fabric paper. Transfer Photographs to Fabric Step 2.jpg
3.)Upload your image to your computer
4.) Depending on the paper you bought, this one being for an iron, follow the instructions carefully. Transfer Photographs to Fabric Step 4.jpg
5.)Once you have printed your image keep it away from any food or liquid, including oily hands.Transfer Photographs to Fabric Step 5.jpg
6.)Tear off the transfer carefully
Transfer Photographs to Fabric Step 6.jpg
7.) Make sure that your iron is letting off steam that will ruin the paper.
Transfer Photographs to Fabric Step 7.jpg
8.) Do not iron on an ironing board because it is too soft, a counter or wood is hard enough.Transfer Photographs to Fabric Step 8.jpg
9.)Do not wash clothe for 24 hours.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Photo Transfer

Step one: Have fabric and images.
Step two: Cover the entire back of image with mod podge (Newspaper or magazine image) and place on fabric.
Step three: Let completely dry over night.
Step four: After absolutely dry, soak the entire image with water, make sure it is absolutely freaking drenched!!!
Step five: Gently rub the soaked image in a circular motion and get all the image off the fabric and the colors shall remain!!


google image



Step one: Print negative photograph on transparency paper. 
Step two: Mix 25 grams of ferric ammonium with 100 ml of water with 10 grams of potassium with 100 ml of water together. (Can be bought in kit)
Step three: In a totally dark room brush chemicals onto fabric and leave in completely dark room. (You can have a little baby light to see and function.
Step four: Place image onto paper, cover it with glass and hold it together.
Step five: Expose fabric to light. (Sun or UV)
Step six: after being exposed rinse fabric in sold water and hang to dry.

Taylor's Cabboge

Anthotype Photo Transfer : Putting an image on cardboard

Step one: Blend a veggie with water and wine in a blender
Step two: sift it with a spaghetti sifter with a paper towel to get the pulp out so it's all just liquid.
Step three: brush the emulation onto your paper, canvas, wood ect.
Step four: Print your image on transparency paper in black and white and place it on your material over the emulation.
Step five: Sit in sun and it does it's thing. Wait for hours.
Step six: Peel off paper and the image will remain.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Alternate Processes

Alternate processes are different ways to print images that actually help develop the idea of the image. Some people print on metal, wood, mirrors, and other textures. Sometimes when people want to create a creepy image they can print it on a creepy object, or a dark texture that adds effect. Or you can even create a happy vibe picture and print it on something light that brings the vibe even more.